Year 3/4 – Mrs Campbell, Mrs Mortimer and Mrs Jones.

Welcome to Year 3/4!

Our concept this term is ‘Humanity’. Our big question is:

‘Are we lucky to be able to go to school?’

Work this term will look at the role of children over Welsh history. We will explore children working down in the coal mines and other jobs that children would have had and will link this to our rights as children in 2022. Children have already completed some great pieces of work for our topic and we are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!

PE will be every Wednesday. Please also send children to school each day in shoes suitable for running/walking the Daily Mile!

Please try to hear your child read at least 3 times a week and ask them questions about what they are reading.

Any issues/worries or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Mrs Campbell.